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International Education Week

Áù¾ÅÉ«Ìà is observing International Education Week by hosting several virtual events Nov. 15-19.

Hosted by International Services Office, American Language & Culture Program and Language & Cultural Training


ISO's and

International Perspectives

Andres Zubieta Kusiak about his experience and background.

International Perspectives by Vijaya Sastry

International student research: Farah Ossaimee talks about the impacts of French colonial period and its current state in today's world.

November 15-19, 2021 Schedule

Photo Contest - All week

​Students are encouraged to share a picture of themselves in their native country's special dress or a short video talking about a dish from their country or dancing or singing to music from their country. Each student who posts on  using the hashtag #TitansIEW2021 will be entered into a random drawing for a $20 VISA/MasterCard gift card. The deadline to post a photo is Nov. 19 at 4 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 15

  • Review IEW agenda, student videos, TEDtalks*
  • Start completing Walk-By Activities (ISO Suite, E&S 269, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  • Intercultural Photo Contest, #TitansIEW2021
  • TDR Food Theme: Italian

Tuesday, Nov. 16

  • Walk-By Activities (ISO Suite, E&S 269, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  • Intercultural Photo Contest, #TitansIEW2021
  • TDR Food Theme: Indian

12:45 - 2 p.m. — Fulbright Student programs and Peace Corps

Wednesday, Nov 17

  • Scavenger Hunt GooseChase App: PB4J46
  • Walk-By Activities (Foreign Language Studies Office, Briggs 339, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  • Intercultural Photo Contest, #TitansIEW2021
  • TDR Food Theme: Chinese

Scavenger Hunt

To compete in the Scavenger Hunt, you must create a team (five max), then each team member must add the GooseChase App to their phone.

Together you will complete the missions in order to have a chance to WIN a $50 gift card!

The GooseChase App Game Code is PB4J46. The game is titled IEW Scavenger Hunt. Reminder that your team is limited to 5 people maximum.

Unless the mission specifies, the team can split up to complete the missions. Your team has 24 hours (12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.) on Wednesday, Nov. 17 to complete the missions. All missions are located on the McNichols Campus.

In order to win the Scavenger Hunt, your team must complete the most missions and receive the most points total. In the event of a tie, the team that has the most points first will win. Each mission is worth a certain amount of points (ranging from 100 to 600).

Assistance using the .

FYI: There is a limit to how many teams can play the GooseChase App at the same time. If you have any questions or cannot enter the Game, please reach out to franklca1@udmercy.edu and she will give you the missions to complete and tell you how to complete them.

8 - 9 p.m. — Rights Attributions to Rivers: A Latin American Response to the Violence and Injustice Against Ethnic Communities and Future Generations A webinar by Danny Marrero

Danny MarreroRivers are being conceived as right-holders in countries such as New Zealand, India, Colombia and Bangladesh. Professor Danny Marrero will explore the philosophical merits and contributions of Latin American environmental jurisprudence to the strategy of attributing rights to rivers as a way of fighting “the violence and injustice that make our world fragile and leave people, the environment and non-humans vulnerable.”

He will assess the arguments leading the Colombian Constitutional and Supreme Courts to attribute the rights of “protection, conservation, maintenance and restoration” to the Atrato River and the Colombian Amazonia. These contributions are inspired by the idea that attributing rights to rivers protects the cultural communities depending on them. However, he argues, for Latin American jurisprudence this is not enough: the protection of rivers is also a necessary condition for human survival. This webinar is free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the Carney Latin American Solidarity Archive (CLASA). Co-sponsored by the Language and Cultural Training Program, the International Services Office (ISO), the ., and Great Lakes Bioneers Detroit (GLBD).

For more info contact Dr. Gail Presbey at presbegm@udmercy.edu or 313-993-1124.

Thursday, Nov. 18

  • Walk-By Activities (Foreign Language Studies Office, Briggs 339, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  • Intercultural Photo Contest, #TitansIEW2021
  • TDR Food Theme: Mediterranean

12:45 - 2 p.m. — Mexican Border Experiences with Erin McDonald, E&S 220

Friday, Nov. 19

  • Walk-By Activities (ISO Suite, E&S 269, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
  • Intercultural Photo Contest, #TitansIEW2021
  • TDR Food Theme: Caribbean

2 - 3 p.m. — Study Abroad Info Session (Zoom)

4 - 6 p.m. — ISO Thanksgiving Dinner
E&S High Bay (1st Floor)